Although some jobs in life may seem small or unimportant in society’s eyes, all of God’s choices for us are the best choices because they are purposefully given.
I’m reading a wonderful book by Randy Alcorn entitled Safely Home. One of the characters has been denied a position is his chosen profession because of his faith and has figured out that the position that God has chosen for him is most important. When the character learned this lesson he posted the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on his wall: (more…)
Tags: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Proverbs 16:9, Randy Alcorn, Safely Home
Posted in American-Hero | Comments (1)
I just keep expecting to hear Rhys’ voice as he comes dashing in the door with a Rockstar in his hand: “Mom, can you…”
Can we ever answer their questions again? Can we ever be the same again?
The answer of course, is no. Nothing will ever be the same for us since the loss of our heroes. But here is where God’s message is perfectly clear. We are daily re-made, inching ever closer to the creation that the Father desires us to be. We are the work of His hand. (more…)
Tags: Isaiah 64:8, Jeremiah 18:6
Posted in Thoughts & Reflections | Comments (1)
As the third year anniversary of Rhys’ death approaches, I reflect on the year as all of us do; mostly trying to see if we’ve made any difference in the world. We hear and read daily about all kinds of horrible things that happen in the world. We lament the path our country is taking and we wonder what comes next.
We measure the time in intervals since Rhys’ death, an artificial time line that creeps into everything we do. It is easy to get discouraged when the year ends and still the world trudges on a path of fear, hatred, and uncertainty. What are we doing? Where are we going? Can anyone make a difference? (more…)
Tags: Philippians 4:8-9
Posted in Honor and Remember, Thoughts & Reflections | Comments (2)
I must admit that in the height of grief, we made mistakes. We handled things in a way that, looking back, seems almost ridiculous. But in that moment, decisions made are not always the best, or even remotely like the decisions we would make if we were thinking clearly. In our pain, we reacted without thinking. Life does not generally prepare anyone to react logically and lovingly in the midst of incomparable sorrow.
“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good: Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!…But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” Psalm 34:8-10
We reacted badly to our daughter-in-law Stephanie’s hurt and pain in the loss of Rhys, and in doing so we made it worse. But, in the midst of that we chose to leave this problem at the feet of Jesus. I kept going back and picking it up, until Michael told me one day, “Just leave it there, Lynn!” I had to actively seek God’s will in this matter. When I finally let go, Jesus began a great work in me, helping to give me a new perspective and helping me understand what I was too stubborn and hurt to try to understand previously. As I changed, Jesus began the work in Stephanie as well, and even in little London. (more…)
Tags: God's Will, Psalm 34:8-10, Stephanie Klasno
Posted in Rhys-Stephanie-London | Comments (2)