The People you meet on the Journey

Lynn | Thoughts & Reflections | Friday, March 19th, 2010

The true adventures in my life have involved people, not just any people, but the people that leave lasting impressions.  You may never even meet some of them a second time, but you always remember them.  Michael and I met a wonderful couple, Paul and Jan, from England when we were on vacation last fall.  They are an amazing couple and the three days that we combined our journeys were some of the most fun we’ve had.  We trust that we will see them again, but even if we didn’t we would always remember them.

A journey through grief is also a kind of adventure and the people you meet on this journey are truly the kind of people you will remember forever.  In this journey some of the human race’s most endearing, gracious, and merciful qualities become real.  We have met amazing people on the journey through the aftermath of Rhys’ death.

“if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8

There are our neighbors across the street that placed yellow ribbons on every tree on our entire block the day after we received the news of Rhys’ death.  We woke up to a tribute that can only probably be appreciated by a family that has experienced the same loss.

There were other neighbors we had never met who brought food and offers of sympathy.  There was our church family, a group of people so amazing that we cannot begin to describe how grateful we were that they were available to us.  Business associates were viewed in a whole new way as they surrounded us with support and comfort and took time from their schedules to attend Rhys’ funeral.  When the sadness is so overwhelming, a familiar face means so much.  No words are necessary; just knowing that someone cares is enough.  Those same people helped us get through the first Christmas after Rhys was killed, by coming to our house and allowing us to thank them for their support.

As we approach the third year anniversary of Rhys’ death, we continue to meet amazing people.  We’ve met other parents going through the same trial.  We’ve met people at Riverside National Cemetery, right down to the groundskeepers that lovingly take care of the cemetery so that it is a welcoming, comforting and beautiful place.  There are members of the PGR, Patriot Guard Riders who still call or email to check on us.

We’ve met strangers on the freeway who have read the tribute to our son on the rear window of my car and later emailed me.  People we will never meet have left such kind comments here on Rhys’ tribute site, his Legacy page, and even on the windshield of our car.

Some people that we met after Rhys’ death, like Bob and Patsy or Ed, never knew Rhys but they were at the church that day and have become close friends and spiritual mentors as Michael and I travel down our new path.

There are evil and unkind people throughout this world, but I think they become insignificant when you meet people like we’ve met on this journey. It is the ability to focus on the amazing people you meet that renews your faith in the human race.  We are deeply flawed, but also capable of great things when someone has a need.  Philippians 4:8 captures this:  “if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, meditate on these things.”

Remember the people you meet on the journey.

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1 Comment »

  1. We Love you guys, and are so grateful to our lord that we will someday meet Rhys!

    John 3:16

    Bob & Patsy

    Comment by Patsy McKee — March 30, 2010 @ 7:30 am

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