Survivor Obligations

Lynn | Thoughts & Reflections | Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

I am struggling, but not with what one would think in the context of the loss of my son. My struggle is more about what my obligation should be as the survivor of this event.

First, my obligation is NOT:

  • To try to get constant accolades as the survivor of an American hero that laid his life down for his country. It is my son that should get the recognition, not me. Michael and I raised Rhys, but we raised him to be responsible and independent. We raised him to make his own choices after weighing the possible consequences. In short, we raised him to be a man. As a man, Rhys made the sacrifice. Although I believe Rhys deserves recognition for his service and sacrifice, he would say, ā€œIā€™m just doing my job. Why all the brouhaha?ā€ (more…)

Rhys Klasno - American Hero

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