What our Children Teach Us

Lynn | Thoughts & Reflections | Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Phil 2:3-4

Remember when our children were young and we had a “teachable moment?” There are hundreds of these that occur when raising our children.

It’s the neighbor’s broken window and a realization that the person responsible for the action is also responsible for the consequences.

It’s the realization by a child that life does not go on forever.

It’s the day our child recognizes that being “part of the crowd” is not always a good thing.

It’s the day our children realize that more friends are made with kindness and respect than with boasting and cleverness.

As parents we usually sit back and either rejoice over that “lightbulb” moment or share the sadness of the tougher lessons. But what about the teachable moments in reverse? What about the life lessons our children teach us? Can our children teach us about life? About death? About sacrifice and compassion? Of course they can.

My son Rhys taught me a lesson about a life well lived. I didn’t get a chance to thank him for that but what a teachable moment it has been (and continues to be). He taught me that it is not the amount of time you have, the stuff you have, the number of times you messed up, the job you had, etc. Ultimately, a life well lived is one that leaves something here for the rest of us. It’s a lesson that teaches us that humility, service, compassion, truth, love, and the gift of a Savior define a life well lived. Goodness wins and God is glorified in that life.

That, my friends, is the ultimate in teachable moments. And my child taught me that.

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